For those of you who are crazy enough to read my blog, I welcome you!
I'm going to try to keep up with it... heh.. going to try and post something everyday.. but don't hold me to that!
Well, I've decided that my first blog will be about my pride and joy. My daughter Riley.
Isn't she just the cutest!
It's still amazing that she's here. And, I should warn you, you'll probably get tired of my talking about her, but I honestly can't help it! She is the love of my life.
Ah, like I said, it's truly amazing that she's here. Those 9 months of hell being pregnant just seemed to go away. I don't even remember how bad it was. It's almost like it never happened!
Looking at her now, and looking at her when we had the 4D done is just wow.
I still remember when I went to go get the 4D done. The nurse would poke her til no end to get her to stop hiding her face. Ahh.. that $75 was worth it.
Then came the day when I went into labor. All that time wondering what my daughter would look like. Of course I was in a emotional wreck during all that. It's still something else.. I remember when I first saw her, then the doctor took her away, taking her to the ICU.. ahh, I cried so much when I heard that. What mother wouldn't when they see their baby like this?
But thankfully she didn't stay in there long. After 3 days both myself and Riley were able to go home! Yay! With a lot of help from my husband and family, Riley settled into her new home.
Here she is about a week old I believe..
It's amazing how big she's gotten in such a short amount of time! She's slowing starting to sleep better at night and she's growing even more attached to Chris and myself. I love it when she smiles.. I can make any bad day that I'm having immediately go away.
Ahh.. well that ends my first blog.. because I hear the princess crying. So.. til next time!
You are amazing as a new mom!!! Wish we had this outlet for you to look back on. Riley will love this and know how much she is loved!!!
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