So let's see.. I'm 95% sure I will be transferring to a new store! Why? Because I feel that I am just burnt out at my old store and my old job. I'm tired and pissed off because of the bullshit that goes on there.
I did a lot for that store. If it wasn't for me, Award Day would probably be shit. I hand make all of the awards except for the service ones because the company sends those. Our boards are the best in the market. So good that they are the model boards for the market and the big market bosses expect all boards to look like the ones I made. I have revamped the Orientation training class system. No longer are new hires just thrown into their positions. Originally the training class would last about 3 hours where I slap things infront of them, tell them to read and then get out of my sight. Well I didn't like that to much because that's how I was treated when I first started. When I took over the training classes, they can last 8-9 hours and they actually learn shit! I make them take tests, go over every possible thing they may come across, then put them to the test out on the sales floor. I try to make a boring class fun. But meh, I'm only a standard worker. Apparently.
I tell you, an evaluation can shatter your will to work for a company that runs all over you. I always gave 150% to anything that I was given. I was put in charge of the Children's Miracle Network as the champion for raising money. I raised $30,000! Hello! And I'm a standard worker.. The previous captain, with my help at the end raised $!7,000. The year before that only $7,000 before I was put on the committee. But hey, I'm a standard worker.
I've been put in charge of the school supply lists. Ok why? I dunno. I'm a standard worker. Why was a given a task that a department manager should have been given because oh.. I dunno.. I did that same task when I was a department manager! >.<
I'm now the captain of the Miracle Mile Breast Cancer Walk. Do I care? Not really. I was made captain after my Evaluation. Wanna know how much I've raised? $10. Heh. I did say that I didn't care right?
I'm in charge of training people on the power lifting equipment. -_- They expect me to conduct a training class for everyone that wants to learn. Heh oh yeah right. They want to learn? I will test them one by one. I'm not wasting my time on a class with associates who don't give a damn. They are going to use the equipment regardless and cost us money in fines if they are caught. Do I care? Not really. Standard worker here.
I'm in charge of the associate sponsor program. -___- Can I say Damn it once again? I have to put together.. you guessed it.. a training class.......... >.<
Ok, I could go on and on about stuff that I am in charge of. Believe me I could, but I'm not. Because it's not going to matter anymore. After a week of constantly wondering if I am making the right decision to transfer, I look back at this list of bullshit and go.. Oh yeah.. that's why.
What to look forward to at my new store? No training classes to conduct! No Power lifting equipment bullshit! No Back to school lists! No Sponsor program Nonsense! No training plans! No CBL Enforcement! No Backstabbers! And to top it all off, a Store manager who has taken an interest in helping me get to where I want to go.
Yes I may go into drama, but hello. I've worked in Personnel for 2 years. Bring it on Bitches. Bring it on.
Stare at the cuteness!! This will be me going into my new job.
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